TMJ and TMD Treatment
Do you grind your teeth, wake up frequently during the night, experience jaw pain, or suffer from random toothaches in the morning?
These could be signs of clenching, grinding, or other sleep-related issues.
What is TMJ?
TMJ is the abbreviation for the Temporomandibular Joint. This is the joint that links your jaw to your skull, and can both slide and rotate. The strong muscles here are used for chewing, allowing the jaw to move open and closed, forward and back, and side to side.
What is TMD?
TMD or Temporomandibular disorder is the general category for TMJ issues, including mild to severe symptoms like: pain on chewing, tooth pain or sensitivity, headaches, jaw pain, sinusitis, ear pain, and neck pain. In extreme cases this can also be lockjaw – the inability to open your jaw past a certain point.
TMJ causes include: excessive grinding or clenching of the teeth (Bruxing/Bruxism), stress, chewing hard foods, misalignment of jaw and teeth.
Treatment Options:
Habit breaking – Avoid cleanching by using tongue placement or reducing gum chewing. Best thing about this solution? It’s free! |
Pain control – Use ice/hot packs and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain relievers. |
Night Guard – Prevents night-time grinding and relieves TMJ issues. |
Sleep appliances – Address night-time grinding and potential sleep apnea, offering comfort and cost-effectiveness compared to CPAP. |
For personalized solutions, contact us! We’d be happy to help you find the best possible solution for your specific situation. Our fantastic and gentle Longmont Dentist Dr. Voss will take a look at what’s going on and find the best solution for you!